Mara of the Nordic Alfar
DARK/Spellcaster - Tuner/2/1000/500
If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monsters, the other monsters are 2 "Nordic" monsters in your hand.
The new Exclusive from EXVC. And finally a good way to Summon Loki. The materials would have to be 2 Ljosalfs or Garms, but it's not a big problem, as they're searchabel by Gleipnir. Keep in mind that Mara doesn't have restrictions for Loki, so you can summon any Synchro with it. In Nordic Beasts, it makes easy Level 8. Or if you play Garm, Trishula. Also, unlike Valkyria, it fills the Graveyard for Pot of Avarice or other stuff. Being a DARK with 1000 ATK only makes it better, as it can be a food for Allure of Darkness or be revived with Limit Reverse.
It's interesting...but it isn't that great, IMO. It seems dead drawish, as you need exactly 2 Nordics in hand...