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Friday, April 1, 2011

A Jinzo support that is not a Jinzo support.

Yeah, you know it, only Konami could do such thing.

Psychic Shockwave
Activate only when your opponent activates a Trap Card. Discard 1 Spell/Trap card to Special Summon 1 Level 6 DARK Machine-Type monster from your Deck.

Amazing fact is that it says any Level 6 DARK Machine. So it's not really a Jinzo support. But let's see how many Level 6 DARK Machines exist:

Ally of Justice Clausolas
Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher
Pendulum Machine
Blowback Dragon
Big Core

Aaaaand that's it. You can clearly see the there are only 3 playable cards amongst these: Timeater (maybe), Blowback Dragon, and Jinzo. And this card can only be activated when your opponent plays a Trap. You need more evidence that this is meant to be Jinzo support?

It's Jinzo in the artwork.

So yeah, what made Konami think about Jinzo support nowadays is beyond me. But it's a interesting card. I just wanted it to not have the discard Spell/Trap part.

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