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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Nordic Beasts Synchro

Right, here I'll post the deck that works just as good, or even better, than Plant Synchro, since the current banlist pratically punched that deck down the tiers

Nordic Beast Synchro


Light and Darkness Dragon
Caius the Shadow Monarch x3
Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts x3
Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts x3
Super-Nimble Mega Hamster x3
Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts x3
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x3
Effect Veiler


Book of Moon
Charge of the Light Brigade
Dark Hole
Giant Trunade
Monster Reborn
Pot of Avarice x2


Call of the Haunted
Dimensional Prison
Gleipnir the Fetters of Fenrir x3
Mirror Force
Solemn Judgement
Solemn Warning x2
Torrential Tribute
Trap Stun x2


Thor, Lord of the Aesir x2
Lightning Tricorn
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Scrap Archfiend
Stardust Dragon x2
Voltic Bicorn
Black Rose Dragon x2
Tech Genus Hyper Librarian
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Ally of Justice Catastor
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Ancient Sacred Wyvern

So basically, you would want to have Tanngnjostr in your hand and Tanngrisnir on the field to be destroyed in battle. That way you can have 3 Level 3 monsters after your opponent attacks. Then just summon Guldfaxe and you can get a Level 7 Synchro or Thor. The Level 7s, by the way, are in huge number, and each is good for specific situations. Few spells because the deck doesn't require a lot, but traps are needed, mainly Trap Stun to protect your monster line-up. Gleipnir is the main search engine, as it can be chained to the likes of MST. Cauis and LaDD are there because it's easy to have tribute food with Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjostr.

Deck works pretty well, but isn't as versatile as the Plant Synchro of last format. Altho, with the current banlist, this version of Nordics might get just as good as what Plants did best: fast Synchros.

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